Conquer Mountains
Get to a new level of happiness
You Won't Regret It
Jay Pryor brings a combination of humor and wisdom to the field of personal development that will leave you entertained as well as educated. Jay's keynotes and corporate trainings reveal proven methods to discover and connect to your authentic self and find clarity that will permeate all facets of life and work. Jay will leave you empowered and inspired to look at your life from a fresh perspective.
The Lean Inside Video Course consists of 15 modules with videos and workbooks that will allow you to get a clear look at your accomplishments, your abundance, at what comes next, and at what can be.
Jay will give you real actions and put you on the hook, holding you accountable for what you say you want. The results you produce will be phenomenal.
"My clients will tell you that I tell it like it is. So here it is: I am a great coach and I can help you fulfill the vision you have for your life."
- Jay Pryor
Wake Up!
"If you’re looking for someone to tell you what you want to hear, Jay probably isn’t your person. If you’re looking for someone to tell you want to you need to hear, but in a loving, compassionate manner, look no further.
"With Jay by your side, all things are possible."
-S. MacNair, Founder & CEO, Creative Conduit, LLC
A $7.99 Value
An audiobook companion for your journey through the Lean Inside video course. I encourage you to listen to the book throughout your time in the course for deeper understanding.
Personal Development
Workplace Culture
Women's Empowerment
Transgender Transitioning
29.99 Monthly Subscription
One-time Payment
Meet Jay Pryor